

大家好!今天我們要來探討禮品公司的營銷策略,如何成功地推廣禮品品牌。禮品在現代社會中扮演著重要的角色,無論是在節日慶典、商務交流還是個人禮物方面,都具有無可替代的價值。禮品公司作為提供禮品的專業機構,如何在競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出,實現品牌的成功推廣呢?下面就讓我們一起來看看吧! Continue reading…


廣告禮品是現代企業中非常重要的一環,它不僅可以作為企業形象的代表,還可以在客戶的心中留下深刻的印象。然而,如何設計獨特的廣告禮品卻是一個需要注意的問題。在本文中,我們將介紹如何設計獨特的廣告禮品,並以毛巾訂製為例,為大家介紹如何設計出有特色的廣告禮品。 Continue reading…

Boundless Space Sharing: New Thinking In Commercial Real Estate

Space sharing has greater development space than material sharing. The sharing of materials has natural limitations. For example, shared bicycles can only be used as bicycles, but there are infinite possibilities for the use of space. Especially in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, where every inch of land is expensive, there are more scenarios for sharing space. Continue reading…

Choosing Your Structure

Hearing how many different structures exist can be daunting. It is important that you choose the proper structure for your business. This ensures that you are able to run it accordingly, that it is legally structured in a way which protects you and your partners (if applicable) to the maximum extent, and that the structure serves the best interests of your company. Continue reading…


企業禮品訂造強調的是實際意義和文化底蘊,一是商品的個性,表明產品的種類樣式選擇多,要破舊立新,即時尚又具備品味;二是體驗的個性化,讓消費者享有全部訂制全過程的樂趣。多年的禮物行業深耕經驗的禮品市場工作者,自然知道這一點咯。今日給家人們分享一個企業禮品訂造實例,一起來看看吧~~ Continue reading…




應對情趣用品這一大熱門類目,怎樣發展壯大?今日,小編就來和諸位商家聊聊怎樣衝殺情趣用品類目! Continue reading…


時下新冠疫情,對很多中小型企業而言,毫無疑問是一次磨煉與磨練。一面是老總們剛度付款薪水房租的焦慮情緒,另一面則是業務流程的極速心搏驟停。現階段,儘管許多公司都靈活運用互聯網技術網路資源來保持業務流程的運行,可是,人,仍然是企業經營最重要的要素。如同公司的“企”字,假如離開“人”,就變成了“止”。因此大家說“離人則止”。 Continue reading…